Inside the studio.

Interdisciplinary artist making paintings, sculptures, murals, installations, and public art projects.

Some recent work includes a series of murals in Rauma, Finland, using lace-making as a metaphor for language and connection, a public sculpture made from plastic waste in Madison, WI, a series of paintings about women coffee farmers in Colombia, outdoor sculptures in rural Portugal made from recycled plastic, and a series of paintings about workers in Massachusetts fighting for labor rights.
Bachelor of Fine Arts from Carnegie Mellon University and a Master’s in Fine Art from Chelsea College of Arts (University of the Arts London). Currently an artist-in-residence at Residency Unlimited, New York.
Thank you to the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation for its support in 2024, 2022, and 2018. Thank you to the Dedalus Foundation for its support in 2024.
Working on the Following the Thread murals in Rauma, Finland.
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